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Free ads for companions and escorts - Adam and Eva
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What are the advantages of the stamp?
The stamp "GUARANTEED REAL PHOTO" on your photo will convince your prospective customers that the photos are real and will increas the interest in your ad over 5 times. IT IS FREE!
How does the stamp look like?
How do I get a stamp?
To get a stamp on the photos in your ad, you have to send a control image during publishing or editing the ad. The control image will be visible ONLY for the site administrator and will not be published in the ad. The control image should be evident that it is you on it and you should keep a sheet with your phone number, that is used in the ad. This will ensure the administrator that your photos are actually original. After approval all your photos will receive stamp "GUARANTEED REAL PHOTO".

In order to review and approve your photos, please write us on e-mail: admin@adamieva.info

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Free ads for companions and escorts - Adam and Eva